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Ah, how I love to write! There are days/nights when I could do little else. I know that sometimes I wonder what's the use, but, it is something that I have always done and will continue to do. Words have a way with me, they create masterfully beneath the touch of my fingers on the keyboard, they weave their way to imaginings that often I don't even know... What will come of this is left to be read, I am hoping for magic, spontaneity, and entertainment. Often the words that come forth before me are unexpected, they are as if someone else had directed their passage; I love this, it is like reading from a script that I had been informed of, but, had yet to read. This is one of the perks of being a writer, and, whether anyone else can relate to this or not, it is what I experience many times. I will be sharing a wide spectrum of my creations and I am open for discussion, criticism, or whatever else anyone might have to say...
Words are merely words until the person reading them finds meaning....

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