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We grow up. We carve our way through life. Sometimes what we are cutting through is not strong enough for the tools we use, and, the structure comes crashing down around us; other times the substance which we are carving through is impenetrable, and, we waste time with useless tools. Every so often, we are able to make it through. And each of these times calls for a different mind set. So many people only have one or two mind sets; that is anger, frustration, hopelessness, when things go against their will, or, happiness, self-satisfaction, and, conceit when things are going their way. We need to learn to have a resource of reactions which pertain to each situation. Life is going to throw some huge boulders in your path, and, if you limit your thinking, you will be stuck, angry, confused, and frustrated at the boulder. The boulder is lifeless; it did not place itself there, life did. It is useless energy to be angry at such, and, certainly, you are wasting precious time, time you could be resolving instead of pouting. When you learn the art of using your mind over your emotions, that is controlled reaction, you will find that things go better, even when they seem hopeless. Hopelessness is but an emotion, it is not a viable tool. Be resourceful when life comes up against you, view it as a puzzle, find the will within to remove your emotions from the situation, that way you will be able to think clearly. When we look at obstacles as a challenge, as opposed to a personal hindrance, then, answers are more readily found. It is our emotional thinking that slows us, that keeps us contained behind walls that could have been easily penetrated, had we used rational mind control... It is so true that often, we are our worst enemies, and, the emotional mindset is part of the problem...

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