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Where does the time go? Summer is almost on its way out.

I have seen a few trees already whose leaves have turned red! It seems a bit premature to me, but, given the summer we had, it is any one's guess why this would be happening already...

Autumn is an interesting, beautiful time of the year. The foliage of the Earth changes, bringing great colors and textures to the vision. The air cools down, and, the days shorten.

Fall festivals with their age old festivities of hayrides, apple bobbing, apple cider, apple doughnuts, pumpkins, gourds, and, oh so many things which lend an air of nostalgia to the days before Winter sets in to freeze and replenish the Mother Earth.

I never used to be a fan of Fall, but, in the past few years, I have come to see the extreme beauty of it, and, even to welcome its cooler days or nights. There is an aura of mystery in the Fall winds, which lends to make Halloween a notable time for all...

Since I was young, I have admired the massive Oak leaves as they change into at least 3 different shades. I recall finding the biggest and the most colored and saving them in between sheets of waxed paper. Ironing the waxed paper that they would be forever preserved, or so I thought. Also, the collecting of pine cones, all different from the other, to use as decorations for baskets, wreaths, or what have you, as they lend a certain something to the Christmas Holidays...

There are many reasons to love Autumn, and, I will surely be finding many more as I go for long walks in the wooded areas. Taking in the sights, sounds, and, smells of the days before we are blanketed with a white, frozen substance; that I might have these memories to warm even the darkest of days....

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