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Everyone knew that he was not cut out for the job. His position was due to his heritage, to his elite privilege, his powerful status amongst his peers. No such man should be allowed to rule anything, let alone a country, but, there he was, a powerful leader in a powerful country, living the legend he had created in his mind...

He was not a bad man in the typical sense of the word, rather he was an insolent, spoiled, self-righteous son of a bird, who held no sense of what the 'real' world was about. He had balls, I will give him that, he was constantly poised to meet confrontation head on. It was in this regard that he made many enemies throughout the world. He was not welcomed, accepted, revered, respected, or even understood...

Personally, I think that his ego became bigger than life and even he had a difficult time rearing it in, I think that he did not realize how damaging his persona was until he read, heard, and saw the disdain towards him from all angles. I think that he was sincerely amazed that he was so disliked, for, having come from his life of luxury and closed social boundaries, I am sure he was hailed for what he thought he was, whatever that might be...

In time of his rule, he became overly tough towards the world itself. He took insults to heart. He demanded respect, but commanded none. He was high handed, out spoken, and hard headed. He did not realize that most of the trouble stemmed directly from his personality and his attitudes. He would at every turn make sure that daily attention was focused on him. It seemed that he did not see what a chaotic situation he had created, and, if he did, he surely did not ever acknowledge it, nor did he seem to care...

His country greatly fell apart during his long reign. The poor multiplied, becoming more poor. The rich who were positioned, connected, or involved became more wealthy, and the middle class was mostly eliminated, for the national economy took devastating blows, which he never attempted to correct, he simply keep spending money which rightfully should have remained in the classes that the nation maintain stature and power. It was his idea that most manufacturing could be done cheaper in other countries. He did not consider the millions who would lose their jobs, their livelihoods, or their hard earned lifestyles. He did not consider that the national production of such goods was far more superior, or that it gave the citizens of his country pride, and a part of the overall success of their country. Either that, or he simply did not care about his subjects, their lives, or their futures...

People would attempt to explain to him, to tell him where his mistakes were, and what should or should not be done. He would sarcastically reply that He was in power and that they should know better than to bother him with their opinions. The more the nation cried, the more insolent and pig-headed he became; there was no hope, no winning with this leader, there was no comfort, no excitement about what tomorrow would bring...

Soon, several countries denied association with this man and his country. Suddenly there were rumors of war to be waged against this once mighty nation. He defiantly dared them to do so. His idea was, at any cost, meaning that he would take food out of a babies mouth, he would defend his homeland. It was not his decision to make in entirety, though, he overrode all dissension, all opposition. He had laws changed which were written centuries before. He was more than addicted to power, he was full of it, and himself. And so, this mighty country was at war with the world because one man had the audacity to believe that his position, his stature, his money, would carry him beyond the limited social class from whence he came...

I remember when the first strike was launched against my country. It was more than frightening, it was beyond conception. We should have never had to experience this, it was just not something which my country was aligned or enlightened to accept. It was a blow of hatred which the world together, had decided was necessary to teach us some manners and lessons, which none of us deserved, but, one man alone, did, indeed...

This fine country is in transition at this time, adjusting to poverty, war, global animosity, and fear of the future. There is not much to be done, except to wait for the bad taste of this soon to be exiled leader to clear from the senses of the world and domestically...

Perhaps one day it will arise again, but, it will take a leader who is understanding of the world formula, one who is diplomatic, humble, intelligent, wise, and foresighted. It will take almost a perfect person to change the damage done, and that is nearly impossible, though not wholly improbable...

I hope that such a person steps up to the plate soon, for so many of us are wondering how we are going to like being a third world nation, as it is evident that our rights as citizens of this great country, have been eradicated, abused, and have left us without means to an end, plus, gone is the assurance of promise that we would never face such a crisis, gone is the security, both personally and financially, gone is the vigor, the resolve, and the conviction which were all so completely ingrained in our beings prior to this mans careless use of his position. Yes, I hope that one comes into power who is competent, compassionate, and compliant with the ideals which this country were founded on, and that such a person can reverse the tragic errs made during this mans reign...

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