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Filled with wonder, that is how my imagination operates, for each and every aspect of life has something wonder-filled within its design. I am like an engineer with finding the components of even the simplest things, each time overwhelmed with the fact that despite their simplicity, they are complex in design, function, structure, and deeper creations...

I like to know how things came to be, how they are held together, how they operate though they might be inanimate, what their entire purpose is, and why I am fascinated with them. It is like a trip through logic land, and often an unguided one, but, I derive great satisfaction from the journey, and especially if I have walked away with an education of that which I was intrigued by...

If a person is rude, ill-tempered, mean, or nasty, I often find a way to get into their personality to find what triggers that response from them, often without them realizing that I am doing so, for I have to know why they are this way. It might not serve any real purpose for me, but, who knows, there might be need for the experience or the knowledge down the road. I am merely fascinated by everything, and behavior is no exception, plus, logically, it does not settle well with me that some people are ever sour, therefore, I must, I truly must, walk away with some measure of understanding, else it bother me forevermore...

Perhaps this is my creativity breathing, I am not sure. Whatever its purpose, it is fully ingrained in my being, causing me to do things like take an iron apart, only to find that while I was careful to study each component of its internal structuring, I cannot put the danged thing back together, though I will try and try, until I finally accept that I cannot do it. Still, I know what it is which irons are composed of...

Such enthrallment keeps me entertained, that is for sure, and of this entertainment comes ideas, as well as ideals, which I use as I can for instances, to make a point, illustrate, or to make advice worth the while. Enchanted is life, and enchanted is my mind following the lead, hoping to dissemble how that enchantment works from creation until now...

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