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In the stark reality of my lonely plight, I seek to find a way out, as I am lost in this land of strangeness, this colorless, cold, and unfeeling world...

Each day I travel a bit farther, hoping to see my way out of this place: a place which has been nothingness, absolute nothingness. There is no sun, no moon, no warmth, just nothingness. It frightens me, for I feel presence, but, there is none which I can see. I keep my only weapon drawn in anticipation, but, there is simply nothingness and me...

How I came to be here is almost dreamlike; it is difficult to imagine, and therefore, even more impossible to explain. Let me just say that you must be careful for what you wish for...

I survive as I find tiny bubble like objects which have life sustaining edibles in them. Every so often I find a tree which gives off a drinkable substance, which is quite tasty. There is nothing green, no animals, just barren trees, cold rocks, and lots of clay like Earth...

The time that I have spent here has evaded me, for I have no idea. I have no sun, no moon to which I might monitor time. I sleep when I am exhausted, and the rest of my time is spent trying to find a way out of here. It is worse than an enchanted forest, for enchantment would offer company and challenge. My only challenge on this journey is to flee the boundaries of this God forsaken place...

Sometimes I sing out loud, and there is an echo which fills the space of silence for a while. When I first heard it, I shuddered, for it was eerie, as you might imagine. I talk to myself as well, for one could go mad in utter silence. Whoever said that silence was golden was close to mad themselves, for there is nothing worse than utter silence, except for this loathsome place...

I wonder how much farther the end is? How far can it expand? It doesn't seem logical or feasible that it could span more than a few hundred miles at best without the presence of some sort of life form...

Oh, to be back home!: to ride my white horse, to sit in my apartment in the top floors of the family estate. To wear lovely dresses, tiara's, and French perfumes, to eat of delicacies, and to mingle with my people, any and all people. These thoughts are what keep me going, what keep me sane, and from which I derive some sort of warmth...

I had been a haughty one. I see that now. I might make excuses and say that it was the world into which I was born, but, that does not change the fact that I was beyond common decency. I was so high in my tower, that I thought of those below as peons, and I treated them unkindly. What I would give to have the company of even the lowest person on Earth right now. I would give them the best of myself, and I would embrace all which they might offer, with a heart filled with joy, and a smile upon my lips. Yes, I would come down to their level, and I would share human love and compassion...

I feel that presence again, but, I cannot see anything, I cannot hear any disturbance. I don't know what it is; it is uncanny, it is like something is following me, like something is watching over me, but, I cannot see it, hear it, or touch it. I am glad for the presence though, for it does give a certain sense of security, though truly, I am frightened, here, all alone, in the confines of this place of nothingness....

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