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I have been writing for most of my life, I have 3 pieces published; many read my work, but, I have yet to make my mark upon the world in my endeavors. Part of this is due to the fact that I have wasted much time trying to perfect my creativity, as opposed to marketing it. It is all my fault, without doubt...

Now that I am finally willing, and ready to take the plunge to publish, I am met with billions of writers, some who are astounding writers, and others who are not so astounding. Regardless of their skill, marketing is the leveraging key to becoming a successful writer, in these times. Marketing oneself requires much deliberation, study, and careful application in order to be noticed, and being noticed is the primary, and end goal of marketing. After that, then you have to devise ways to keep yourself visible amongst the sea of writers of the world, which can be done in a variety of ways, one of which is, you have to develop a signature style, which sets you apart from everyone else. Sounds easy, but, it is not, not at all, though it should be, as your style is already unique, for the most part...

Some people are naturals when it comes to marketing themselves and products. I am so-so at it, and while I am experienced to a large degree, I simply do not have a talent for making myself seem as great as I should seem to interested parties. Don't get me wrong, I believe in my talent, and such, but, I am not good at contriving sales pitches which sing self sung praises of myself or my talents; in short, I just don't have marketing genius. So, where does that leave me???

There are several options available for people such as myself. I could hire someone to market my work, I could create a giant campaign online boasting of my skills, or several other alternative plans. I have to decide just how far, and how much I can afford to spend to market myself, which I already realize is not that much, and so, this stagnates me, as I wonder how I can ever get noticed when I can't afford to take it mainstream???

It IS always something, but, challenges are what make us more enabled to become the best we can be, plus, they teach us extremely valuable lessons along the way. You think I am going to still my plans for lack? NOT! Not ever! I am going to make it one way or another, and that is all there is to it!!!

I will share with you what I learn, what I experience along the way of discovering just how a person can arise with little means. Time has come for me to do something more than pound out work which just sits idle except for the bits I reveal here on the 'Net. Time to get real, that I can count myself amongst the authors of the world...


D. Lambert said...

I hope you're successful in your new endeavors. It couldn't happen to a nicer person.

Lynda said...

Thank you, and right back atcha!!!!:))))