Time has been flying by so quickly, and with so much to do, I am left with little time, especially for extra work, and so, for at least the Summer months, this site will have to take a back seat...
Since I caregive, I have a quite full plate already, with at least 2 full households to manage, plus, I recently started an org. which is geared at supplying winter items for the homeless/impoverished/suffering, and am actively knitting to fulfill a great need of providing hope, and some extra comfort for these people, as well as I am working on my book, so, you see, I am overly busy at this time, with even more I could mention...
It is also vacationing time, just finished the first one, and in 2 weeks will be taking another. It is time to enjoy the Summer months, for they are gone before we realize it, only to be faced with the heaviness of Winter...
This is a site I had great hopes for, but, life happens, and perhaps, in the colder months, I can revive the original premise for it, we will see...
I wish each of you a fantastically enhanced, enjoyable, rockin' Summer, and I wish you love, peace, health, and happiness:))))
Since I caregive, I have a quite full plate already, with at least 2 full households to manage, plus, I recently started an org. which is geared at supplying winter items for the homeless/impoverished/suffering, and am actively knitting to fulfill a great need of providing hope, and some extra comfort for these people, as well as I am working on my book, so, you see, I am overly busy at this time, with even more I could mention...
It is also vacationing time, just finished the first one, and in 2 weeks will be taking another. It is time to enjoy the Summer months, for they are gone before we realize it, only to be faced with the heaviness of Winter...
This is a site I had great hopes for, but, life happens, and perhaps, in the colder months, I can revive the original premise for it, we will see...
I wish each of you a fantastically enhanced, enjoyable, rockin' Summer, and I wish you love, peace, health, and happiness:))))
I love your photos! Especially the one with the boy's hair standing up and the one with the girl going down the slide. They're great, lol!
Thanks Sandee, that is a girl with her hair standing up, and I tell you, it looks so much like when I was that age, with my baby fine, always static hair... hahahaha...
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