He had worked all of his life, and had enjoyed most of it. One day, the economy did a flip; his employer went bankrupt, which left him without the pension he had counted on, plus, so many were without work that finding a job was like unto a miracle. It wasn't long before his money ran out, and because he owed on his home, he lost that to foreclosure, unemployment ran out, and here he is, homeless, and destitute, though he contributed to his life, and society for all of those years...
This kind soul has had to endure all sorts of things he would have never imagined years ago, but, ungrudingly he goes about his business of being homeless. In his heart is heaviness, but, in his soul, there is yet faith, there is yet compassion, there is yet hope, each of which, he attempts to share with those who share his status. He has become famous in the streets for being one to help through most crisis' which the homeless find themselves in. He has organized groups of people who have common interests, such as those with vocal/musical skills, the elderly, the youth, and so forth, trying to give each of these lost souls something to live for, something to look forward to...
This man, whom we will call Jack, has the right idea, for he is working through his circumstances/situation with positive belief that even in the worst of times, there can be good to come of it. He is like an angel to many, for he has shown them that the compassion can live on, even when it seems that no one gives a damn! Yes, he is special, and should be rewarded for all he has done, for with such minds, and hearts as his, the streets are a bit safer, a bit warmer, and a bit less intimidating for those who will meet this fate. The numbers of homeless people is arising daily, and need such inspiring folks around to help them to adapt to this awful state of affairs. I wish that Jack could be everywhere, at once, that all such people could learn from his example, thus, igniting greater optimism for these poor neighbors of ours...
Never take things for granted! You simply do not know what is in the future, regardless of your status. By adopting a 'here in the now' attitude, you will greatly enhance the moment, granting you greater pleasure in the now! Life is short, and circumstances/conditions change, so, be grateful, be thankful for this time, regardless if it is less than you would have it to be. These are lessons that such people as Jack show us in their ability to make the most of what they have left to deal with...
If Jack survives the elements, the conditions, of the streets for a bit longer, I am sure that the Heavens/Universe will pull him up, then, place in his heart to create some sort of safe haven for some of the street people; I really believe this, for he is a blessing to others, therefore, he is blessed...
Next time you see someone like Jack, be kind, friendly, and caring, for I tell you this, especially in this day, lots of these folks were your neighbors. They are bearing, not the weight of their wrong decisions, but, the weight of an imbalanced economical structure, which clearly, was doomed from the start, as in placing such responsibility into certain hands, which care not about the Jacks of the world, spending frivolously, not considering the future consequences of doing so, and, not foreseeing that with over-population, jacked up pricing, and other factors, that there would be great price for short-sightedness, which only the common man will suffer the most...
Also, remember this, there are millions of homeless/impoverished in this world, but, right here in America, the number of women and children is staggering, with estimates that one in every 50 children will be homeless this year! That is one nasty statement to the citizens of this country, think? All I can say is that I hope that there is a Jack somewhere nearby for these kids to look up to, to learn from, and to find hope from, otherwise, the next society in line will be worse than we can ever imagine, for without fundamental comforts, or acceptances, what will be bred in the minds of these children???
Jack is a man who learned to make something of his situation, but, there are not many like him, and so, his example should inspire some of us to take up his lead, that these suffering people might be able to retain some semblance of dignity, pride, LOVE, and hope...
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