Life opens up a wide array of events, some of excellence, some less than desirable, some which sink us into a pit of grief, sorrow, agony, or pain. We simply never know what will come to us in any given day. But, that is alright, we are resilient peoples, we can make the best of almost anything which we face, IF we are able to resist becoming submerged in the lingering effects of what is occurring...
Twists, and turns, ups, and downs, that's life! Some people get lost in WHAT is happening, refusing to see that this too, will pass, and create more problems for themselves in this mindset. Ah, it is wise to experience what is going on, and then, to move on to the next matter, as time moves on with, or without us, leaving in its wake more to deal with...
Thus, we have a movement towards positive mentality, which is great, as we SHOULD be trained to live in the idea that there IS good in everything. If you have ever looked back at tough times, and thought about what happened as you left them behind, you will see what I mean. Sometimes things happen that we can level up, sometimes they happen that we lose a bad habit, or alter our character, or place us in exactly the right place, at the right time, for better times ahead. We simply never know what is ahead, and so, by keeping a positive outlook, we are more enabled to meet the troubled areas head on, without sinking in remorse of their presence...
Life is 50/50, there is good, there is bad, we cannot alter the state/events of life, but, we can spare ourselves so much regression by accepting what we cannot change, and living in the peace of positive resolve. It offers an understanding that balance must be, often in order to make us more alive, more appreciative, more empowered for the next series of occurrences...
Yesterday is done, and gone, tomorrow is hanging in the wings, but, today is here, it is visible, it is what it is. Living in the moment eliminates stress, as you are not worried about what is yet to come, for, only when it comes, are we able to deal with it anyway. Even businesses need to embrace living in the moment, as often, they over-project the future, which means they overlook the imminent, pertinent facts before them in the now...
If you go to a tree for fruit, but, find the fruit is not yet available, will you sit, and watch, until the fruit is ripe? No, you will go about your life, checking now, and again, to see if it is ready to pick. You will survive without that fruit until it is ready. You will fill your time with other things, you will not live in constant anxiety of that fruit, for you know that eventually it will be ripe enough. We often place too much emphasis on waiting for things to happen, therefore, missing that, which might, be imperative in this moment...
Live life as if it were the final hours; enjoy THIS time, make the best of what is available. Sure, dream, wish, and ponder, but, do not avoid THIS time, for THIS time is what really is:)))
Twists, and turns, ups, and downs, that's life! Some people get lost in WHAT is happening, refusing to see that this too, will pass, and create more problems for themselves in this mindset. Ah, it is wise to experience what is going on, and then, to move on to the next matter, as time moves on with, or without us, leaving in its wake more to deal with...
Thus, we have a movement towards positive mentality, which is great, as we SHOULD be trained to live in the idea that there IS good in everything. If you have ever looked back at tough times, and thought about what happened as you left them behind, you will see what I mean. Sometimes things happen that we can level up, sometimes they happen that we lose a bad habit, or alter our character, or place us in exactly the right place, at the right time, for better times ahead. We simply never know what is ahead, and so, by keeping a positive outlook, we are more enabled to meet the troubled areas head on, without sinking in remorse of their presence...
Life is 50/50, there is good, there is bad, we cannot alter the state/events of life, but, we can spare ourselves so much regression by accepting what we cannot change, and living in the peace of positive resolve. It offers an understanding that balance must be, often in order to make us more alive, more appreciative, more empowered for the next series of occurrences...
Yesterday is done, and gone, tomorrow is hanging in the wings, but, today is here, it is visible, it is what it is. Living in the moment eliminates stress, as you are not worried about what is yet to come, for, only when it comes, are we able to deal with it anyway. Even businesses need to embrace living in the moment, as often, they over-project the future, which means they overlook the imminent, pertinent facts before them in the now...
If you go to a tree for fruit, but, find the fruit is not yet available, will you sit, and watch, until the fruit is ripe? No, you will go about your life, checking now, and again, to see if it is ready to pick. You will survive without that fruit until it is ready. You will fill your time with other things, you will not live in constant anxiety of that fruit, for you know that eventually it will be ripe enough. We often place too much emphasis on waiting for things to happen, therefore, missing that, which might, be imperative in this moment...
Live life as if it were the final hours; enjoy THIS time, make the best of what is available. Sure, dream, wish, and ponder, but, do not avoid THIS time, for THIS time is what really is:)))
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