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Do you remember when you were a child? Everything you did was without much thought or concern; you were carefree in your choices, and, if it was the wrong choice you went through the consequences unscathed. It was a time when you could go out into the freezing cold all day long, have lots of fun, maybe you had some iced toes and chapped lips and cheeks, but, the elements never phased you... It was a time of doing. It was a time of creating. It was a time of pursuit of whatever urge you had. Wouldn't it be nice to be like that again? I was like that for a great many years, then, I discovered responsibility. I became so responsible that I rarely did anything without considering the outcome or weighing the pros and cons. I became so responsible that I lost my childish nature, and I miss it. I am still kind of child-like in some of my ways, however, I long for the years when I didn't think so damned much. I would love to be able to make a decision without first analyzing the results, I would love to be able to without thought react to something at any given time. It would be so refreshing, it would feel so free...
Of course, I can train my mind to get away from over-worry, however, that would mean that I really have lost the ability to just get up and do something, anything without thought or preparation, and that is the difference between a child and me....

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