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There are so many beautiful things in this world to see, to do, to take in. But, there is one area that is particularly beautiful, and that is people. People can be beautiful, they can bring such incomparable beauty to your life, day or night! I realize that there are many out there who are the opposite, however, I am talking about the people that you have come into contact with that are full of beauty, charm and grace. These people are kind of like angels on Earth; they lend an air of completeness, an aura of strength, a will of accomplishment. They touch you from the depths of your mortal being, they inspire you to enjoy, embrace, and relish life. Such people are not everywhere (though, really they are); they are there for different kinds of people, as, we all have a differing take on what is beautiful, a different spin on what kind of people light up our lives. I have been lucky to have had so many beautiful, angelic people appear in my life; they have blessed me with great times, and many memories. Some are here longer than others, that is fine; they took the time to add dazzle to my life, with their dusting of ethereal powers, and, that will carry me well into my golden years...

1 comment:

Ash Srivastava said...

simple yet profound...very nice !