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Do you know how to blog? Ha! What a question! Do you want to earn huge money from blogging? Duh~ You know, I have thought about blogging for money, and, the numbers are killing me. Billions of bloggers, all with the same intent! Each day over 100,000 new bloggers, all with the same intent~ Amazing~ I blog to write~ Simple and profound... I love to blog, it is a great media for whatever your interest is. It is a great place out there, the blogosphere~ So diverse, so interesting, so much feedback, interaction, and many other attributes. Each day you learn something, each day you make a new contact, each day your ranking increases or decreases, each day there is something to make it exciting, and, it has an edge that keeps you coming back for more! I love it... I will blog until there is nothing left to come forth from me. I will blog until I am unable to use my fingers, but, then I might video blog, who knows. This is a great passion of mine, and, I do not see it diminishing. If I make some cash along the way, so be it, but, I do not pursue it with that end goal. I do, of course, have a sound plan in mind for my many hours of blogging, but, at the moment, I am simply blogging....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Girlfriend!! You mean you can make money doing this blogging thing??? Your passion shows---and encourages others, money or no money...