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You want to trust people, you have to trust people, you have made it your choice to remain positive. Then some lost soul has to let you down. You confront the situation with dignity, with maturity, and, you get some resolve. Still, it eats at you from inside. You can forgive, but, you can't forget. Well, you must. To maintain a positive manifestation, you must let go of all negative, and, that includes personal pain, hurt, suffering, injustice, and, all other forms of...
People are less than perfect, and, you must remove bad people from your mind, heart, soul, and presence, for they have nothing to offer you, save a lesson or two in negativity and its renderings... I have been around many that want to steal your wind, I have no use for such individuals now; I am forgiving, tolerant, kind, and compassionate with them, but, they hold no ground in my world. I do not have time for them. I do not have inclination to be brought out of my positive universe; it is too cool here! I do not want to lose my hard gained status in the universe. Still, they are there, the people who do not get it! They are there at every turn, waiting for someone like me to come along. I just acknowledge, then, I am gone. They will never find me, for I am in the realm of which they cannot enter... I am sorry for them, but, I will not dwell or cry of them. I will in my positive mind, forget them and pursue that which is mine!

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