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Do you ever stop to think about how much we are sacrificing to be here? How many hours we are neglecting the people in our lives, just to be here, amongst strangers that we have found compelling, interesting, even charming? It is an interesting choice, one that might have outsiders wondering, but, we all know why we are doing it! I have heard some spouses say that they are widowed, that their spouses passed into the land of the 'Net, never to be seen or heard from again! Ha! That is bad, but, for some of us, it is truth~
There is something here that can hold you captive; spellbound for many hours of the day, and, you don't have any idea of how much time you have been here. I cannot tell you how many times I was shocked to know that I had been pounding the keys for 4 or more hours without even realizing it, even though, I have a clock on my computer, one on my desk, and one to the left of me. I just lose all sense of time and priority when I am here! I tell myself that it is important, that I am seeking an end gain, and, it may be so, however, should I learn to schedule my time here? Ha! I have tried that; set aside 2 or 3 hours at such and such a time to catch up on this or that, and, next thing I know, it has been 5 or 6 hours, and, I am still catching up!
I can understand the people that think that they have been left behind, but, what was it like before we came to be here? For some of us females, we would be competing for attention over the T. V., sports, or other such things, but, that is alright. For some of the males here, finding time to get a word in edge wise, or even getting attention was like winning the lottery. So.......
Perhaps we are wrong, I don't know. Perhaps we are being selfish, I don't know. Perhaps we should find a measure of balance, but, then we would be missing out on something! At least, it would seem like it~
Whatever the case may be, whatever the solution is, you know and I know, that none of us are in any hurry to log off for any great length of time...

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