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People hurry,
They scurry,
Always filled with worry,
Never taking time to,
Enjoy a moment or two,
They have too much to do...
The day is filled with beauty,
If you take time to see,
It only takes a second to notice appreciatively...
The sky is blue, sometimes so blue,
That it is almost another hue,
Like a turquoise shade that can transfix you...
Nature is busy, it has much in store,
If you have never observed before,
Look and listen, you will be amazed, I am sure...
The sun and its shadows, make a glittery scene,
As it dances with the wind, through trees and in between,
And, notice the many colors of the grass so green...
Hear the wonder of the noise of natural life, it is a song,
When you spend an hour listening, you will feel no wrong,
You will know that it is here in the natural state that your soul does belong...
People hurry,
People scurry,
People worry,
Without ever making concession,
They live beyond their profession,
Always outdoing their latest obsession...
Life is too short, it goes by too fast,
We chase after thoughts which are past,
Instead of reveling in things that are designed to last...

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