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Writers have great imaginations. Sometimes that imagination goes beyond what others might relate to. Still, a writer cannot help what comes naturally to them. Take Stephen King for instance. He was told many negative things about his ability and his odd sense of imagination, but, did that stop him? No. And, look where he is at today...

There are many critics of writers, and, almost everyone feels that they could have done it better, or that it should have been done like this instead of that, and, well, there is just an awful lot of outside pressure. Which is one reason that writers are generally isolated quite a bit when they are working on a project. They cannot be subjected to negativity or outside influence, for it, surely will affect the flow of the project.

Don't get me wrong, writers welcome critique, however, not when working. Writers are generally sure of what they write, and, if they are susceptible to others suggestions, then is the work really their own? No, it is best to produce in full and then seek opinion. Opinion might change a part of the overall work, but, never would it alter it dramatically. Writers use constructive criticism as a tool for improvement. They are prone to shutting out the negative, as it is one persons opinion or motive which is creating the negativity; therefore, it cannot be considered good counsel to the writer.

A work in progress demands much of a writer. Thought after thought. Change after change. Edit after edit. Scouring every single word, thought, sequence, and necessity of each line to the whole, making sure that every thought, word, sentence, phrase, and, paragraph are quality and pertain to the entire work. This is a time consuming process and requires as little distraction as possible. There are SOME writers who stow away the length of their project, emerging only after they are certain that they have something worthwhile which to share. It is then that they will seek critique...

People think that they know what being a writer is like. They really have no idea how much it entails. Which is why so many people who attempt to become writers eventually take up something else, for they find that it is an endeavor which requires much of one...

Most writers are meticulous, diabolical, perfectionists. They also worry incessantly about their work. They are moody, broody, and, contemplative, and, while they are producing their next work, they are not very good company, as their mind is actively writing away, almost 24/7...

Yes, there are writers who have an easy time with their projects. Such as Danielle Steele and others, but, they are also enabled to do so. This is all they do. They have the luxury of having the resources to go to the villa on the beach and do nothing but write. They have a staff to oversee details for them. They are, as I said, enabled. And, they earned it.

The rest of the writers are struggling to get that break. It is compelling them to work long, hard hours. Days, weeks, months, can suddenly turn into a year, all the while they have been creating. Some are starving during this creation, yet, this is their life mission, and, nothing, or no one is going to stop them. Being a writer comes from within, and, while some might have natural talent with words, they do not have that heartfelt drive from the soul which keeps them tapping on the keys to finally realize their greatest dream, which is to have a selling published work...

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