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I stood there as if I were leaden, I could not move. The woman motioned for me to follow her, and suddenly I could move as if on air. I was curious about the way I was feeling, but, I could not find a logical reason for it, so, I simply lived in the moment...

We went to the back of the enchanted house, where there was a huge room filled with overstuffed, brightly colored furniture. She sat on a chair which greatly resembled a throne, and motioned for me to sit in an armchair. I really wanted to sprawl out on a sofa and take a nap, for I was rather tired, but, unsure of what was going on, I did as she bid me to do...

We sat there for a few moments in silence. She kept looking into my eyes, perhaps to see into my soul, I really do not know...

Someone came out of the kitchen with a tray of tea, some cakes, and some fruit, which they left before her wordlessly, then departed. She reached over and poured some tea, which she handed to me. I accepted it, and when I tasted it, I smiled, for the flavor was exquisite; earthy and green. She then looked at me, and finally spoke, "What is it you want from me?" I shook my head, and said, "I don't quite know." "I was compelled to follow you, though I resisted, I was totally compelled." She nodded her head and said, "I see." "This is not the first time I have heard those words." I just nodded...

She took a bite from an apple and I got chills, in fact, the hair on my arms stood up as I got goosebumps. I had the vision of her as the Queen who put Sleeping Beauty to sleep. She looked over at me, saying, "I see you are uncomfortable around me, and I would like to assure you that I am harmless." I stared at her, and picked up an apple and bit in. I was so nervous that my throat closed up with the apple in it, and I began choking, also feeling strange, as if I were suddenly high. She came over to me and slapped me on the back, which dislodged the apple, and as I could breath, the feeling of highness disappeared. I laughed out loud, to which she smiled...

We finished our tea, some cake, and the apples. Sure that I was wasting her precious time, I said, "Well, I should be heading back." "Thank you for your hospitality, I appreciate it much, though, I still do not know why I am here." To which she answered, "You need something from me." I looked puzzled, and so she said, "It is almost night, you should not walk back by yourself, why don't you simply spend the night here, and perhaps we can determine what your need is." I must have looked shocked for she said, "Have no fear, it will be a good experience for each of us." I agreed...

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