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We are born into our respective countries, into our respective lives, and grow so immersed in such that we often forget about the rest of the world. Even those who travel frequently, often forget that world which they just visited, as they are thrown once again into the life which they call their own. This is very normal, and just how it is, however, it can be inhibiting to growth, character, and understanding to a very large degree, for we become limited in our own small worlds, regardless of how beautiful, how serene that world might seem to be...

Life is an adventure, and we are free to live that adventure to the fullest. We find excuses for not doing so, such as, I don't have enough money, I can't get off work, I can't leave my family, and so forth. Honestly, these are excuses which keep you in secured bonds, to which you become accustomed to, and comforted by, but, do not allow you to grow to your full potentials...

Money, yes, does have a lot to do with how far you can go, still, if you would open your mind and self to the possibilities, you might find that money is actually available, at some point. Work, well, everyone gets vacation time, and as for family, they are family, and will be there always...

I was a free nomadic spirit for most of my life, and now that I have settled down in this one place, I feel constricted, restricted, and am sorry for the fact that I have been molded into this much responsibility, for it is weighing down my soul, it pulls at my heart, and to tell you the truth, I do not like where I reside, so, that adds to the heaviness of being stranded by my own doing...

I never intended to retire from my nomadic explorations; it just came about, and before I knew it, years had passed, responsibility grew, and now, I am less than whole because of it. I know what I can do, and yet, here I sit, writing about it as opposed to acting upon it, which is totally against my nature...

Surely there has been reason for this occurrence in my life, for the acquirement of solidity and responsibility. I did have a child to raise, and this is where I raised her, but, she is grown now, and I am alone with my achings, with my dreams, with my soul crying to be freed...

It is not so much even about me, it is about learning, growing, sharing, and experiencing the whole of life. So many of us forget about other countries when we are writing, when we are painting, when we are singing, when we are creating. Yes, we forget about the many cultures who would love to have us share with them. We forget about the aspects of life afar in our near sightedness of home. We forget that we are to share our gifts, our love, our spirits with the world, that greater understanding and comrade prevails. We forget much in our blinded state of comforts of home, often passing up joy for stability, often relinquishing dreams for obligations sake, and often never being truly happy for the sake of making sure everyone else in our lives is...

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