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The ambiance of the lunar glow upon the world around me, gives me time to rest and reflect, without the usual anxiety which is a part of most evenings. As you can see by the setting, the conditions are favorable for contemplation, fantasy, and even romance...

Here I sit upon the deck of my lakeside home, observing the tranquil beauty of the night, thinking that I can see Jackie Gleason of the Honeymooners in the moon. In fact, I swear it is the same moon from that show, which I find curiously humorous and inviting...

It is so still the ripples of the water life as they travel around can be heard, and the sheen on the water is satin like, tempting me to jump in and take a midnight swim, which at one time, I would not hesitate in doing so, but, that was before that crazy, scary night a few years ago...

In the heat of the Summer, the lake is used until the wee hours of the morning, by almost everyone, as it relieves the spirit, and cools the humidity which seems to lock in under the skin. Not even air conditioning feels right, but, a dip in the lake allows one to cool off from the internal temps, which ensures a good nights sleep...

A few years ago, I was alone, and did not think twice about entering the water. There had never been any reason for fear in doing so. I was out about 30 feet or so, not realizing how far I had gone. I was aware that there were other people in the water, but, none close to me. I could hear laughter, splashing, and the strokes of swimmers, as well as the quite purring of slow moving boats. I was floating on my back when all of a sudden, I felt something strange wrap around me. I panicked...

Whatever had a hold on me was quite large, and felt rubbery. I could not imagine what it could be, though seriously, I wasn't concentrating on the what, instead, trying to determine how to free myself. I was being rolled around a bit, and was being dragged in and out of the water. I screamed my lungs out, and began thrashing whatever it was, hoping that I could slip out of its hold, but, instead, the hold tightened on me. I knew it wasn't a shark, nor an octopus, for such could not live in the waters of an inland lake. I kept thinking that it was the Loch Ness monster, but, that too, was improbable...

The truth is, I did not even know if it was a living creature. Perhaps I had gotten caught up in something which was from the marina, a boat, or some other such. I just didn't know. All I knew is that I was gasping for breath, screaming when I could, and scared almost to passing out...

I was carried out to the middle of the lake, and continued to fight for my life. Suddenly, there was a bright light heading my way! I was never so glad to be in the direct path of a speeding boat. I might have been killed or hurt badly, but, I assumed they were there to rescue me, and so, did not think anything else. I was right! They were there to rescue me. The boat slid up along side of me, and voices told me that I was gonna be alright. Then I heard shots being fired. Quite near to me. I was confused, and even more frightened. "Oh God, what is going on"? is all I could say...

About a couple of minutes after the shots were fired, I was free of the captor, whatever it had been, and soon, someone had their arms around me, and then I was lifted onto the boat. I was taken home, the police, the Coast Guard, and local marine biologists and other figures interrogated me for the rest of night. There was an investigation which lasted for over a year. The results, nothing was ever found...

I am still afraid of the water. I won't even swim in the daylight with lots of people. I get the feeling of creepiness all through me when I go close to the water, and sometimes I feel that whatever grabbed me that night is there watching me, just waiting for me, and only me, to enter the water again, so that they can take me down with them. I know that it seems far fetched and unrealistic, but truly, that is how I feel, and no one else has ever had a problem in this lake, not before, not since. So you tell me, am I wrong for feeling that it had specifically picked me as its prey???

I love my home here on this serene and beautiful lake. I love the people who live here, I love everything about it, otherwise, I would have sold and left after that incident. But, I figure as long as I am not in the water, I am safe, and so, here I sit musing, and enjoying yet another gorgeous night under the Jackie Gleason moon...

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