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I have dreams; bigger than the sky above, more rooted than the trees in the Earth, and, more searing into my soul than the fire of love...

Dreams are paradoxical, until they become reality. The path to their manifestation is a rugged path, one which is filled with the unknown, obstructions, obstacles, and delusions, although, that is mainly perceptual in the emotional thought process. If we could simply believe with all of our beings that dreams do come true, or can come true, then we would not face so much along the way. In fact, we could more easily enjoy the journey, but, I am sure that part of the process is that we learn along the way, that we are more grateful, appreciative, and receptive to the end goal...

We kill our own dreams with perplexing fear. We overly complicate things which pertain to our own happiness. We writhe and grind in stress, striving to believe in ourselves, our worth, and thus, we create negative fields of energy around us, which are detected by those outside of our beings, then, we become frustrated that this dream, which seemed so simple from thought to action, has become a complex monster; a monster which we, alone, created, fed, and allowed to exist...

Dreams are not easily manifested. Time and conditions prevail. We have no control over time, except in usage of it. Conditions we can alter, but, we have to realize the benefit of altering them, and see the potential in doing so, although, conditions also, are often, affected by time. Bottom line goes something like this, at least for me; if you truly want something to happen, it is within your power(s) to make it happen. It is a choice you have, and with certain criteria in place, such as confidence, strength, perseverance, patience, fortitude, gratitude, attitude, and positive mentality, you most certainly can realize most dreams...

Many people have not realized their dreams until they were near death. This should remind us that it is not the time it takes to realize them, but, that they were realized. Many other people have not ever realized their dreams because they could not stand patient long enough for time to allow for them to become reality. You see, it is conditioning our attitude, and keeping the dream alive which grants dreams life....

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