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The poor of the world do not want to be taunted with stories of the rich of the world, but, unknowingly, they are whom are lining the rich man's pockets.
The poor are fascinated by the things a rich man has, by the places a rich man can go, by the way they dress, eat, and, act.
The poor try to imitate this as best they can. They also feed into it via purchasing things they cannot afford, often on credit, hoping that they will feel more worthy, or that they will fit in to a higher status life style.
The poor are also the ones who purchase tickets for every rich man's events; that is concerts, fashion shows, theater, sporting events, and, anything else where they think that is the place to be. All the while, the prices go higher and higher. All the while, the poor get more poor...
I find this fascinating because, most of us cannot afford the lives we lead, and, still we will line the rich man's pockets. We would never think of not buying this or that to make a statement.
Yet, we will walk around cursing the economy, cursing the prices, cursing the life we have become stagnant in.
It is not funny, however, if we stood back and thought about it, it is humorous. We are the unsuspecting victims of the rich man's plot to greater gain.
If you go to the ghetto, almost anywhere, go into a store, buy something, chances are, the prices are higher than even a middle class store. I have seen this in every state I have lived in, and, I have always wondered about that. That is unfair. It is taking advantage of disadvantaged people, and, if people would realize this, then, perhaps it would not be considered fair practice by those who define these secular prices....
Amazing isn't it?
Still, the poor of the world will line the rich man's pockets, while he will find it difficult, or even distasteful, to share even 10% of his income to help the world's poor...


Bobby Revell said...

Very cool post. Have you ever noticed how the greediest people are rich and the poorest are the most generous. A poor person might have a pair of gloves in a cold environment but they'll give you one glove so both of you can have one warm hand:)

Lynda said...

Bobby, nice to see you... yup, you are right... but that is because poverty teaches you to reach into the humbleness of your spirit, and, it shows you that without one another, there is no real survival; that and being bumped around because of your status... thanks for the support, I do appreciate it... take care my friend....