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I did not build my house on sand, still, it washed away. I tried to build again on more internal land, but, the storms of life came and tore it apart. Then, I remembered hearing that if you build a house on rock, that it will stand firm against all weather, which it did, but, there was an earthquake, and, it split my house into unlivable divides...

I have had to start over, more than once in my life. There is nothing wrong with this, often, it is beyond our control. Still, I cannot help but wonder, am I missing something? Does bad luck follow me around? What causes this to happen to some but not to others?

It doesn't matter, and, it is futile to contemplate it; there are no real answers. I have great resolve, fortitude, and, perseverance in the face of such. I merely seek to find a place to rebuild which will withstand the perils of time and nature...

With each restart, there comes greater wisdom, and, deeper acknowledgement of what is truly important in life. Also, there comes more determination, drive, and, motivation to seek that which is solid and firm...

I have imagined what the solution is, but, have not yet put it to the test. I have envisioned where I am heading, and, how I will live, but, that is a bit down the road. All I can do in the meantime is continue to maintain faith, belief, hope, and, to make sure that I am enabling every chance for success. There is no failure, only mistakes or wrong turns on the path to success, and, that path has been used many times before by those in worse straits than I could ever imagine....


Sam Chan said...

Hi Lyn,

Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze us but help us to discover ourselves better. There are great opportunities for us to grow stronger and more competent although it can be painful!

Indeed, with each restart, there comes greater wisdom...

Thank you for this wonderful post!

Best Wishes

Lynda said...

Thank you Sam Chan for the wise words and the visit... I appreciate your taking the time... Life is full of challenges, but, none so great that we cannot master them... again thanks, and, blessings...