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Life is so precious and so short. We act like we have forever to do what we want or must, but, we find out quick how fragile time of life is...

Such is the case with people who become debilitated with illness, disease, loss of limbs, and, other such inflictions. They should be an example and a reminder of the days of our lives, in that we should strive to make each day count in various ways...

We cannot spend our lives pursuing personal happiness without spreading happiness around. It is not about me, me, me, but about, us, us, us. Each is part of the human race, each is part of the whole...

You are not here for your own gain alone, you are here as a piece of the intricate design of life itself. Each being is a piece of the overall makeup of life. Selfishness will not avail to that end...

When we are young, it is innocence and ignorance which misleads us about the very design of life. As we become older if we do not contribute on a daily basis to the design, we are negligent and without excuse. We are meant to contribute to the whole of life, in ways which our characteristics align....

Remember always that tomorrow might never come, and, yesterday is far in the past. Live consciously in the moment, in the now, giving what you can of yourself. In doing so, you are ensuring more than your mere presence in life, you are enhancing life with the very essence of your life...


Anonymous said...

I say AMEN to that. Nicely written piece.

Lynda said...

Thank you, it is nice to know that others feel 'it' too... take care and blessings...