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I have the ability to see the world from the eyes of the child who yet lives in me, and, I have to tell you, I use this ability frequently, for, I believe that in doing so, I am freed from many of the tainted views of the adult world in which I live...

It is not an escape, rather, a chance to experience the world around me from that carefree, imaginative, and open emotionalism which children possess. It allows for creativity and unchained actions in my business of the day, which alleviates mediocrity. It leaves my spirit unrestricted enough to embrace the many pleasures of the hours of this day. It disengages me from the travesties and tragedies of the world, for while I am aware of them, while I feel them, my childlike interpretations of them are less hindering, and yes, even children hurt and cry, but, their logistics are more realistic, thus, when they view or experience that which is painful, they quickly recuperate, once again to be as carefree as they were moments before...

Do not misunderstand, I take my roles and responsibilities seriously, and, I perform each duty I must throughout each day. I merely make myself more receptive to the wonder, the joy, the full experience of every facet of my life by allowing that more innocent, unspoiled child to come forth, that I might truly grasp the beauty of each moment of each day...

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