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As a writer, do not compare yourself with other writers, for you are an individual, and while others might seem more advanced, more accepted, more published, there are often factors in place which put them where they are. You, of course, can compare yourself to certain writers styles, but, even this, actually has no affect on your direction, as it is best to keep a clear, unbiased, non-prejudice mindset, especially in your favor, that you are not obsessing with trying to cut the grade, know what I mean???

Be what you are, hone your own area of expertise, perfect your own grammar, your own style, and be what you are. When you are a 'natural' writer, writing from your own sense of creativity, that can often be the distinguishing point of interest for the reader, do you see what I am saying? For instance, while I like great writers, such as Homer, I actually prefer more personable, 'real' writers, known or not. I would rather read a story written from the heart and soul, then a masterpiece of literary talent, although I appreciate the greatness, the story from the heart and soul, presented in simplistic and comfortable tones will keep my attention to the end...

Sure, there are millions of writing 'experts' who will regard this as rubbish, and that is fine, still, I am what and who I am, and believe and call what I feel: 'experts' are often so lost in their acquired educational synopsis that they do not 'see' or 'feel' real, raw talent, therefore, I do not adhere to their guidelines for perfection. I might study some of their grammatical guidelines, and such, but, do not match my skills to theirs in any way, for then I would be depriving my creative style to flourish as it might...

I read long ago that if you want to write, do so, then learn along the way. Writing is something which calls from within, like being called to preach, it simply has to be fulfilled, and you should never allow lack of experience to stop you, for you can learn along the way the effectiveness of grammar, structure, style, timing, and so forth. In this release of initial 'raw' talent, you are able to keep your own brand of style, and as you grow, you can refine it, perfect it, or decide to what level you would like to step up or down to. YOU are the writer, not the people preaching HOW to write; they are merely there for resource, research, and guidelines. Just BE who YOU are!!!!

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