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Amidst all of the ugliness of the world lives great beauty, beauty which is evidenced daily from my view of the world. Beauty is not in the eye of the beholder, but in the soul of one touched by someones actions, words, or thoughts. Beauty is when someone can reach inside you, causing a swell of emotions, which linger and warm you for a while to come, and even as a memory, distant or aged, can still recall the same emotional state within you, and your mind...

So many beautiful people exist here on the WWW. So many compassionate, kind, giving, warm, and caring souls congregate to share some of their beauty. Some will not notice, some will not care, some will scoff, and then, there are those of us who grow in the beauty, who glow from it, and bask in the warmth such beauty ignites...

It is truly amazing how many glorious people are gathered here. True, they are often far and few between, or, it might take time to find more than a few, but, when they are discovered, it makes for some precious moments, some great sharing, and some life inspiring reaction...

Does this sound soppy? So be it, it is truth. The beauty of some has made my time here one of greatness. It has so touched me that it will last for a lifetime. It has reminded me that there is lots of good yet in the world, and that regardless of the heritage, regardless of the division, regardless of the government, people are basically the same everywhere, each filled with a certain way of beauty, even if they don't realize it is their way, somehow, it pours out eventually upon the screens of computers throughout the entire world, and to me, that is miraculous for many reasons...

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