Emu translates into cat, and, as you can see, she takes her name seriously. Her disposition also shows great tendencies toward being a feline inclined, and would rip anyone who crossed her, to pieces. It is not her fault, her Father is a ruthless man, whose heritage goes back to the Ancient gods/goddesses of Egypt, and, having no other children, he raised his Daughter to be a warrior, of sorts...
The young lady is prisoner to her ancestry, but, wishes that she could live as those she sees in the streets below. No one knows the torment of her desires, for she would surely pay dearly for such thoughts, as never have royal families mingled with common peoples, for the consequences would be severe, since her Father is despised by many, even those he thinks are his friends of the elite classes...
Caught in ancient rituals, Emu is tutored, catered to, and, otherwise ignored for most of the time. Since she is an only child, she has no one her own age to converse with, to share with, nor any real companionship, save for her servants, who detest the sight of her, as she is spoiled beyond reason, with the tongue of the evil for those who irk her, or, fail to carry out her wishes as stated...
Her Mother died in childbirth, and while the Father has taken concubines, he has not had any children of them, which is just as well, as he would ruin them anyway. He will not remarry as Emu's Mother was a haughty woman who drove him crazy. There were rumors for the longest time that he is the reason she died in childbirth, but, with no proof of wrongdoing, the rumors have laid to rest...
This day in particular, Emu is troubled. Today is her Birthday, and, because she is 13, it is also the rite of womanhood, which bothers her, for it means that she will be given to some man soon, some man of nobility, of power, and, she is sure, after living under her Father's rule, that she will dread it with all of her heart...
The sun has warmed the Earth, and she must take her bath soon. Servants will be present shortly to wash her, oil her, scent her, and dress her in her finest attire, for the coming celebration of her day, which should be special, but, instead, feels like death is arriving soon...
The rite of the teens is no different for any child, regardless of location, it is a time when life will be changing, and few of them are ready to take on the change, the responsibilities therein, or, what the future holds for them, and thus, they smirk, fidget, resist, have attitudes, and are lost, in whole...
Here they come, bowing, and urging her to cooperate. First she has a meal, of dates, a cake of some sort, some cheese, and some very strong tea, then, she is whisked to the pool for bathing, which is like an Olympic pool, located within her suites. She doesn't like the water too much, remember she thinks like a cat, however, she loves the way they wash, and oil her, and the scents they use on her, plus, they brush her hair for the longest time which almost makes her purr...
More to come...
NOTE: An Egyptian female is considered of age around 14, when she begins her menstrual cycle, however, in Ancient times, some were considered for marriage as young as 8, and there was a mummy wife found who was 11....